About us

Leasify are a leading fintech company specializing in lease management and accounting in accordance with IFRS 16 and Local GAAP. With our solutions, you can easily meet the complex requirements of lease accounting.

Our journey to becoming a leader in lease accounting

Since our founding in 2015, Leasify has established itself as a key player in lease accounting, particularly for large publicly traded companies and corporate groups. With the introduction of the IFRS 16 standard in 2019, we were among the first to launch a fully automated SaaS solution. Today, approximately 500 companies, including 300 corporate groups, utilize our services. Through close collaborations with major auditing firms, we continue to be a trusted partner for automated accounting.

2Från grundandet till ledande aktör inom leasingredovisning

Development focused on customer expectations

We are driven by a strong focus on our customers and aim to make our service as simple and intuitive as possible. While we find lease accounting enjoyable, we understand that for you, IFRS 16 and Local GAAP may feel like just a necessary burden. That's why we are committed to making the process as easy as possible for you, so you can focus more on your core business.

Kunddriven utveckling och automatisering

Join a trusted network

More than 300 group companies rely on Leasify for their lease accounting. From small businesses to large corporations, all reporting in line with IFRS 16 or Local GAAP.

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Find your solution

We provide customized solutions to meet a variety of needs. Which one suits you best?

Would you like to know more?

Are you interested in knowing how we can improve your current accounting process? Feel free to reach out – we're here to help.